Friday, December 12, 2008

I was born in the G-code, it's embedded in my blood

Don't you love the Geto Boys? If not, you are probably not supposed to be reading this. Why you trippin, I'm just kidding, keep reading it, you'll be surprised at how much the hood life makes sense. I don't want to say I justify any malicious behavior, because in most cases I don't. But what goes on in the hood is different than what we see every day. By we, I mean anyone that regularly reads this. It's okay, luckily it doesn't matter if your hood, act like you're hood or are legit hood. Who cares. It's snowing, black people don't like the snow, they go inside. I don't blame them. I wish I didn't have to go outside, but if I didn't go outside today, you wouldn't have been able to read this blog today.
That means that the computer at my house is not working. Again. That's okay, I have a library a block away from my house. It's really nice being able to write you all still. I miss writing daily or multiple daily entries. It's okay, nothing huge has been going on. I did work out though, it was fun. I went to the gym for like an hour, and got my fitness on. I love when people look at me silly at the gym. I wasn't even dressed like a dandy, but I pretend like I am and am just off the chain ridiculous like there's a secret party that I'm the only one invited and everyone else was the fat kid that wasn't allowed to go, or something along those lines. Now I'm the fat kid having fun. It's the best. You should be jealous, you weren't invited.
My date last night was AMAZING. Karyn is rad. I don't think she'll read this, but it doesn't matter, cause I've got nothing bad to say about the date. I picked her up and then we went to Twin Dragon. I think I might be in love with Chinese food. I had it for dinner two nights in a row, and finished the leftovers today for lunch a couple hours ago. After that, we watched the brand new episode of NBC's, The Office. It was a great episode. The past two episodes have been the general, just prime television. The best. Once we had finished that up, we did something that I have never been able to do on any other date, ever. We played Goldeneye for N64. I slaughtered her in every round except for the one we played with Licensed to Kill and Slappers Only. She killed me five times on that one, but I still one. After that, the night only got better. We watched Live Free or Die Hard. It was amazing. She's a great cuddler. After that, I was taking her home and we listened to Transatlanticism and probably some other music. I can't really remember ;)
I know when I picked her up, we listened to Cobra Starship, aka the picture at the beginning of this post. Have you checked them out yet? Seriously, check youtube and myspace. Gabe Saporta rocks the house like a champ. I wish they'd release a new CD, but at the same time, I don't mind listening to the two that are already out a lot. Cobra was once responsible for a full on four people dance party. It was mind blowing. You couldn't throw a brick at that. I don't know why you would, or wouldn't, but it doesn't matter. You couldn't do it.
Today is Friday night. It's kind of weird though. I had a date last night. It was awesome. I feel like I should have higher expectations for tonight that last night, but I don't think I could top it, because last night was amazing. It's okay, maybe I'll actually sew something or be productive. Christmas is coming. Hope you were all good boys and girls.
The Only One

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Sounds like a fun date!