Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Oh my gosh, the snow is almost up to his wiener!

Don't you just love snow? Like it's totally boss, and totally everything so rad just like that. I love to play in the snow. I love to look at the snow. I love to dance in the snow. I love to watch people slip and fall in the snow. I hate.. driving in the snow.

I spent the past few days in Kennewick, Washington at Jackie (burkhardt) ->onassis<- Barnes house. It was awesome. The night before I went down there was awesome too, just ask Karma. Seriously, ask them, Karyn Kearnes and Emma Taylor. They're pretty neat. But they already know how I feel. Besides, we're talking about Kennewick now, right?


We got there sometime close to the time school got out. All the kids got there about the same time we did. It was a lot of fun. Everyone was there! I rode down with Andrew, Alex and Courtney. Kevin lives there, and so does Jackie. Also Sam, Taylor and Kat were there. I met Sherri, Paul and Sarah, too, and some of the neighbor kids. Jackie's house seems to be the cool cool happy fun house. I'm cool with that. I always want to be in the fun zone. It was fun the whole time pretty much. We got there and Sherri made us some Turkey noodle soup. It was delectable. After that, we played Rock Band for a few hours, and I rocked the vocals. Everyone said I was awesome, even though the mic was broken and screwed up my points. I was still entertainment. Besides, look at Thin Lizzy. They were amazing, and got virtually no love from the critics.

After that, we watched Drop Dead Gorgeous. That is a weird movie, but it's pretty awesome. I really enjoyed it, even though a certain Brittany Hill was lame and was only talking to me in text form during the movie, oh, and the whole time I was there. We didn't talk once in person. Our eyes locked once and we waved at each other. It's kind of weird when you talk to someone in text form and have all this totally awesome and fun stuff planned out, and then when it comes time to show up, she decides to shut up. Like I'm something that's not worth attention. I'm sorry, but if I want hot 'n' cold, I'll listen to Katy Perry, I don't need to deal with that in real life from another beautiful girl. Like it matters, she won't read this either, she won't change. I don't care that only bothers me for a little bit. Besides, we were having a blast, that is me and the people I actually went to see. That night we went to Red Robin, and I flirted with our waitress. She was a good flirt, but turned down my invitation to come back to the hot tub. It's a-okay though. She was nice about it. After that, we or course went to the hot tub, and it was awesome. I got a foot massage. It was decent, at least enough to loosen my feet slightly.

Fast forward a couple half hours. There was a massage party going. It included Sam, Kevin, Sarah and I. I can't remember exactly, but I think I massaged all of them, and a couple of them massaged me. Either way, I slept like 12 hours. So long!

Next day we just woke up and watched videos on youtube and read things on wikihow. That site is crazy, you should check it out if you ever wanna learn stuff in a really funny way. They teach you how to give and hide hickeys. We laughed at that one for a little bit. After that, we went to a Chinese buffet, followed by Value Village. I got a brown V-neck button up sweater. It's pretty dope, as you can see..

A short while later, we went up to Fairchild Cinema, or whatever Kevin's family calls it. Either way, it's an awesome theater. We saw Four Christmases with Vince Vaughn and Reese Witherspoon. I rather enjoyed it, it was romantic and awkward comedy rolled into one, and I think they did a pretty good job putting it together. And it had Tim McGraw!

We ended up in the hot tub again last night. We told ghost stories and creepy stuff like that. I actually just remembered that I forgot to tell them my true story that occurred earlier this year, but I think they'll forgive me, because I'm sure I'll hang out with them again, because they are all pretty neat. We were watching more videos on YouTube, especially in the realm of live tv accidents. There are some pretty good clips. Out of nowhere, they ordered some pizza, one of which was a chicken pizza. It totally restored my broken faith in the Pizza Mia pizzas. I must have eaten half of that pizza, and it was so good. After that, we watched the episode of The Office where Michael goes to Canada, and then watched The Longest Yard, aka the second Adam Sandler football movie. I got tired of cuddling with Jackie on the love seat, so I turned around and pushed her off. She says I was asleep, I say she is retarded, but it's all good.

This morning I decided to wake up at 8. I wasn't dissapointed, because I don't really need all that much sleep for myself. I know it's supposed to be healthy, but look at me, I think I'm doing pretty good for myself. I tried to eat a pancake, with syrup, without a plate, but Sherri caught me, and put a plate under me. I wasn't really too sad, because I was also handed a glass of Sunny D. One thing people should know about me, assuming you all don't already know this, is that I love Sunny D. I rarely drink it, because I always forget how good it is until I drink it. After that, we just watched fat people falling and good stuff like that on YouTube and got ready to leave for the day. I didn't really wanna go home today. I like it in Kennewick, but I know I had to come home. I just wish it didn't have to be so soon. I'm happy I made it home safe though, because the roads were horrible, and they're getting worse.. No matter how much I complain, and how much shit I talk about people, I really do worry and care for all of you, even if I talk down about you on here, I still care for you. I want everyone to travel safe, and I want everyone to be happy, and have a Merry Christmas.


The Only One

1 comment:

Jcqlnnichol said...

i just got sick of her so i threw her out.
