Thursday, December 4, 2008

Shorty, imma hit it, hit it like I can't miss.

Has it really been six days since we last spoke? That's a very long time, and I wish to apologize to all of you for the space in time that I have put between us. It has been really crazy these past few days, and I have had so much stuff go on, I don't even know where to begin, but as long as I begin somewhere, I know you'll love it.
So Monday was a fun-day. I drove with my mom to Rexburg. We got there around some time in the afternoon. It was actually a pretty good drive. I didn't listen to my iPod at all on Monday, which automatically makes it a weird day, but that's alright, I'm still breathin. I thought I would surprise an old friend Monday night after eating dinner with my brother's family. We had pizza, it was pretty good.
So I called up Trisha, and I was like, "what up, girl?" and cruised to her place. It was alright. When she smiles she looks like a girl from a comic book before they turn into a demon. It's kind of crazy, but it's mostly just the way she puts her makeup on. She's really nice, cause you know, that's important. Anyway, we were making out, like we did two years ago. It was pleasant. I could basically tell it wasn't going anywhere, and by that I mean I had no emotion towards her. She's nice, but when she wants to watch Vh1 shows on primetime, you know something's up. She went to the basement to get her roommate's guitar after I told her I should be going soon. I heard her roommate say she wasn't sure if she trusted anyone else with her guitar. Since I was upstairs, I just put my kicks on and walked out the door without saying a word. Call it what you want, I know it's not orthodox, but then again, what is orthodox these days? Exactly..
After I left her, I went over to Megan Tompkin's Apartment. Megan is the last girl that I had any real feelings for, but that one faded out. We're friends now, and I'm quite alright with that. She's still way cool. She let me in without hesitation. We just talked a little bit and had fun just sitting by each other. Nothing happened! Geez, what kind of boy do you think I am?
You're silly though. And since you asked about her roommate, Suzanne Dunkle, or something like that, I'll tell you. As you know, I was kind of hanging out with Suzanne two years ago. She even asked me to the Sadies Hawkins type dance at BYU-Idaho. That thing just faded into crap. It's cool though. It wasn't meant to be, we didn't make out. Anyway, twice during my visit, Suzanne came out in the kitchen and just stared at me. I'm not gonna say I was afraid or anything, but yeah, I was afraid.
Woke up Tuesday morning and checked my email. I got into UVU. Good news, right? Close.. Tuition for out of staters, way more than it needs to be. This actually started ruining my immune system I think, and my thought process. You got people on welfare that are able-bodied, taking government money, and even worse, you got these bailouts, BAILOUTS! And I'm just a boy looking for an honest education, but can't get the help that way. Oh well, that's how stuff works, isn't it? It's okay. It'll make it feel that much more worth it when I figure out this school stuff.
I think yesterday was Wednesday. I can't really remember. I bought a jacket, some shorts and some sunglasses from Savers. For those of you not in Utah, it's like Goodwill or Salvation Army, but double awesome. And they have cute girls working there too, so if you get bored, you can always flirt with the thrift store beauties. Luckily I didn't get bored. ;)
Well today is Thursday. I can't really say I know that for sure though. The past two nights have been rough. I couldn't get any sleep because I was having digestive problems out of both ends. I know you say you don't wanna read that explicit stuff, but then why you reading? You know who I am. Got some stuff done for my Grandparents today. Got the Christmas decorations out, and then headed out to shop. I went to Walmart and got my first manicure. It was a lot less gay than you'd think. I know, people are still gonna talk, but my hands feel great. After the FABULOUS time, I went to Bajio and picked up some delicacies there. I think I'm allergic to salad, because Bajio gives me no problems, but the past two nights I ate a salad and had a horrible time. Now I'm listening to T.I., but I started out this post listening to Lil' Wayne.
I know I'm not the most hood person you know, but you really think you reminding me of my lack of melanin is gonna stop me from being who I am and acting how I want to? I like hip hop. the way it makes me feel. Not all of it, I gotta be straight on that. I like a variety, but Lil Wayne was good today. Yesterday I needed Kanye, and It was great. Tomorrow, who knows, maybe not even hip hop. Maybe I'll listen to the Darkness. It's really a complete toss up. The only thing I know for sure is that I love you.
The Only One

1 comment:

Jcqlnnichol said...

what? you mean you just got up, put your shoes on, and walked out without saying a word?
i can't even imagine you doing such a thing! haha

Its all gonna work out!