Friday, November 21, 2008

The Interview pt. 1 (before)

This is a picture of the building I will probably be working at soon. I have an interview set up in an hour. It's downtown, which I kind of hate. Working downtown and being downtown are different. Parking is always a hassle, I don't care how executive treatment you wanna pretend it is.

This job is a customer service position at a call center for cell phone customers. I have heard that they are very relaxed, but I hope they are not too relaxed. I know I have to answer calls and be on the phone with people. The last call center I worked at, I was making the calls to people to conduct surveys. People did not like this very much, and I am quickly finding out why. I have hung up on many people conducting consumer surveys, especially with all of the election surveys. I'm glad those are done.

Luckily this one should be a little less stressful. I will listen to people's problems with their phones/coverage and try to help them solve their problems. It's kind of ridiculous, I know, but it should be something good to fill up my days for now. I need the money, and this is the quickest way it seems. I better leave early, because parking downtown is no fun.

I'm still rooting for my temp agencies and UPS, but I'll take what I can get. They all pay in American dollars, and that's what I need now.

Wish me luck!

The Only One

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